Saturday 7 March 2015

Three Planets by Tommy (Bumblebee Class)

i am going to tell you facts about three planets they're on about 8 planets and there's a planet called pluto.first mercury mercury's diameter 4,879 kilometres.a length of a day on mercury would be 59 earth days.its distance from the sun is 57,900,000 kilometres.its orbit around the sun is 88 venus the diameter is 12,104 kilometres.a length of one day would be 243 earth days.the distance around the sun is 108,200,000 kilometres.the orbit around the sun is 225 days.i will now to mars Diameter is 6,794 kilometres.a length of the day it is 24 hours and 37 minutes.the orbit around the sun is 687 days.

1 comment:

Mrs O'Connor said...

I can't imagine how far 57,000,000 km even is, but I know it is a long way!